Photos, videos and testimonials from Ciglue customers


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My new to cigars Argentinian friend blew out the wrapper on his cigar cutting it. Ciglue to the rescue!
Thought this one was a lost cause. Smokes great...

I consider myself a harsh critic on anything that I spend my money on and when my expectations are not only met but exceeded I find that it’s only fair that I’m equally as vocal with my praise for it 🙏

I’ve been recommending it to everyone that’ll listen lol
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Was already a glue wizard prior. I’m promoting myself to Gandalf the white with this new setup.

Solid design. No more leaky bottles for me
Amazing and surprisingly excellent product. Easy to apply. Tested on one of my cracked cigars. Holded up perfectly and kept a crack intact.
London, UK (via email)
Great product based out of Germany to keep on hand for your cigars whose wrapper is cracked such as this Goldie.

Super easy to use and apply and as you can see it held up through the cut.
It worked really well! I spotted that the Lusi was a little cracked in one place, and my fear was that the tear would get worse as the burn got closer to it. I carefully brushed on the product, it had time to dry and the repair held without a hitch during smoking !